Rhinoceros are an endangered species that are being killed for what makes them unique, their horns. Rhinos are carelessly being poached causing there to be a 3,000% increase just between 2007 and 2011. People believe that rhino horn contains certain healing characteristics. It is believed that consuming the crushed up horn can heal illnesses such as cancer. Their blood is also treasured in some countries such as in Nepal. Where a person must hunt and kill a rhino and then offer the rhino's blood to earn peace and prosperity. Rhinoceros have face a chance of extinction therefore it's best to breed the species so that in hundreds of years ahead they can still exist.
In Sungai, Dunsan there is a rhinoceros conservation centre where rhinos are being bread while in captivity. Besides just breeding them scientists are also studying their behaviors. One study being done was of the reproductive behavior of 2 female and 2 male Sumatran rhinoceros (see above). They concluded that only one oestral (in heat) female rhino should be introduced to male rhinos because rhinos show behaviors of solidarity. If other females are introduced they could get hurt by the other males.
Press, Michelle. "THE SOUL OF THE RHINO: A Nepali Adventure With Kings And Elephant Drivers, Billionaires And Bureaucrats, Shamans And Scientists, And The Indian Rhinoceros." Scientific American 298.1 (2008): 108. Science & Technology Collection. Web. 12 Sept. 2012.
M.R. Jainudeen, et al. "Reproductive Behaviour Of Captive Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis)." Animal Reproduction Science 85.3/4 (2005): 327-335. Science & Technology Collection. Web. 12 Sept. 2012.
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